A Jaws-Dropping Encounter in Gansbaai

Monday, September 17, 2018

Ten minutes into the boat ride toward Dyer Island, across the schizophrenic waters off Gansbaai where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans collide, I realized the most menacing creature encountered while shark cage diving isn’t below the water, it’s above it. Dozens of seagulls fluttered and squawked as their droppings smacked down like a hailstorm.

You’re gonna need a broader hat.

Shark cage diving is one of South Africa’s most popular activities for travelers. Known as South Africa’s unofficial cage diving epicenter, the infamous “Shark Alley” stretch off the coast of Gansbaai, about two hours southeast of Cape Town. Shark Alley became world-renowned due to its recurring role on Discovery Channel’s annual Shark Week extravaganza — which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary this summer — and a big reason why cage diving sits alongside safaris on most travelers’ South African bucket lists.

“The cage diving industry has gone from…

Categories:   The Expeditioner
