What To Do In Singapore – A 3 Day Singapore Itinerary

There is a lot of things to do in Singapore, being both a modern metropolitan city and a tropical island country. Singapore is very different compared to the rest of Southeast Asia, and it is by far the easiest country we have ever traveled to in Southeast Asia. It is a modern, well organized, and spotless city where everyone speaks perfect English. In some ways, it is more comparable to cities in the USA and western Europan towns than to other Asian cities.

Singapore is probably best known as “the country that banned gum and spitting” as it is illegal to spit on the street, sell or own chewing gum, and gum can only be bought with a prescription from a doctor.

We first visited Singapore on a backpacking trip in 2005. It is a city we keep coming back to almost every year as it is such a fresh and comfortable city to visit. Singapore has a well-functioning public transport system, high-quality restaurants and cafes, beautiful architecture and art, great shopping, and stunning…

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