10 Essential Tokyo Travel Tips for First Time Visitors

Tokyo, as one of the most populated cities in the world, has a lot of impressions and stereotypes attached to it. As a city girl myself, I had assumed that Tokyo would be much like Hong Kong, London, and Singapore. However, there are certain things that I found out on the ground that surprises me. Whether it was the small thing like how their rubbish is organized or the traffic rules, things were different here and I’m giving you Tokyo travel tips to help you with your trip here.

1. People are so polite, but not all are

Ameyoko Shopping Street Taito Tokyo

Like everywhere on the planet: there are nice and not-so-nice people

Japanese people are known to be friendly, and a lot of them do live up to their stereotype. I remember when I dropped my sunglasses and the guy in front of me stopped to check if it was his fault!

But this isn’t always the case. Like everywhere in the world, there are less polite people, especially in a big city. I had gotten a few rude bristle past and slight shoves, too. But that’s to be…

Categories:   Hippie In Heels
