Eat Like a Local in Northern Thailand with A Chef’s Tour

Ren and I love experiencing local food when we travel. The deeper a restaurant takes us into the local culinary culture, then the happier we are to have found it.

As an outsider looking in, it isn’t always easy finding places like that. When you’re in a country like Thailand where the primary language isn’t English, it becomes that much more difficult. Even after you’ve compiled a list of eateries you want to visit, next comes the task of putting them all together in an itinerary. You have to pin each restaurant on a map and learn the public transportation system to figure out the most efficient way to go from one place to the next. In our experience, it can be easy in places like Osaka or Hanoi, but other times it can be a huge pain in the ass, like Bangkok.

Thanks to this amazing food tour by A Chef’s Tour, I didn’t have to do any of that in Chiang Mai. They did all the legwork for me so all we had to do was show up and eat.

I expected this to be a…

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