Vietnam Visa Guide – Confused? Let Me Explain

Vietnam has one of the most confusing tourist visa systems in Southeast Asia. Recent attempts to make things easier have actually just added more complexity.

While most visitors from Western countries can usually just show up and get a visa-on-arrival at the borders of Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and many other countries, it’s not always so simple with Vietnam. You may well have to get a pre-approved visa. Your visa options will also depend on whether you’re flying into Vietnam or intending to cross a land border.

If you are planning a route through Southeast Asia then be sure to pay particular attention to the different visa options, and be sure to read the section at the end regarding your arrival date.

Below are all of the tourist visa options for Vietnam as of November 2017. Simply follow the flowchart to find out the best option for you, or read on for all the nitty-gritty details.

Option 1: Visa on Arrival

    • Visas for up to 3 months, single or multi-entry
    • Get…

Categories:   Indie Traveller
