Enduring luxury: a long-term Winter rental in Andalusia

Recent years have witnessed the stellar rise of experiential travel, immersive cultural explorations and a “slow-life” approach to vacationing. To be sure, some will aim for immersive and life altering experiences within the one or two week period afforded them by the workplace and other life restrictions; however, by definition, a slow-life approach requires time, and can one really “live like a local” in an introductory, short stay? This kind of so-called “immersion” is more akin to a quick bath!

Within Europe, Andalusia is truly one of the most desirable and fascinating destinations for a long term winter stay. Why so alluring? The sweet scent of orange blossom, the glimpse of a white village perched spectacularly atop a ridge, the thrash of a flamenco guitar; memories of Andalusia are as evocative as they come. Visiting a place as culturally rich as Andalusia in any season leaves most visitors hungry for more. So, when you’ve…

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