Fishing in Paradise: the best spots on Earth to fish

Fishing is not everybody’s idea of a good time…

Alarm going off at 3.45, grabbing the box of maggots out of the fridge, pulling on smelly wellies, getting in a cold car, sitting by a cold river, eating sandwiches with fishy hands – there are a few downsides, that’s for sure.

But, of course, not all angling is like that.

Sports fishing involves going out on high-speed boats, strapping yourself into a seat like you would the latest ride at Universal Studios, cooking fresh catch on the BBQ, snorkeling in warm, transparent waters and having an ice cold beer at lunch. All of which sounds rather fantastic doesn’t it?

So where do you go for a healthy dose of option two? We’ve done some digging, spoken to some people in the know, used the old Google – and these are, in our…

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