Erupting Volcanoes in Guatemala: Camping on Volcán Acatenango

–guest post by Christopher Heil

Guatemala is an amazing country. Not only will you find delicious and cheap street food and the most welcoming people in all of Central America, but also does it feature a lot of picture perfect volcanoes. While most of them are not active and still very popular destinations such as the Lake Atitlan, you can also get very close to the lava in one of three active volcanoes of the country, located within the famous Ring of fire that spans around the Pacific Ocean with many active volcanoes.

One of them, and probably the most rewarding option in my opinion, is Volcan Fuego. This volcano erupts constantly and you can actually watch it from a relatively safe distance. All you have to do is climb up the neighboring volcano Acatenango, stay up for the night and wait until it gets dark for a show that you will never forget!

But let’s start from the beginning…

Getting to the top of 3,976m high Acatenango is a serious hike and you should only…

Categories:   Indie Traveller
