Iceland Air “Business” (Premium Economy) Class To Europe from $1012 Round Trip

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Normally I don’t post business class deals here, as this  is generally a “family” travel-oriented site. But FT reader styleflyer (he also hosts a blog here) posted a pretty good deal on “business class” fares from North America to Europe with Icelandair, and I think it’s worth noting for 2 reasons.  I’ll explain those reasons, but first the prices that I find particularly interesting.

From Seattle

From Boston

  • Copenhagen $1180
  • Amsterdam $1150
  • Dublin $1150

From Washington

From Chicago

  • Amsterdam $1050
  • Munich $1150

From Vancouver

That’s a lot of options, and there are more available, though with higher prices. Note: these are sometimes repricing on Orbitz/Expedia. Vayama is posting these correctly.

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