The Real Reason I’m Self-Employed

Hi, I’ve been reading the news way too much and social media which was once my escape is now full of stories and triggers and news and think pieces ugh. This year has been mentally exhausting and challenging for my own set of private reasons, let alone the state of the world. But here we are. Life continues to go on; things will improve (they must). But I’m going to take a moment from the day to share a story about my self-employment.

Here’s the thing. My self-employment is a total accident. I did not plan for this. I didn’t even want this. Even as a young graphic designer, my goal was never to open my own studio; I always envisaged myself working for the patriarchal and hypothetical “man” (ie, a corporation). It felt like the only way I’d have security and safety.

Boy was I wrong.

Listen, I had a perfectly fine time in the corporate world. I worked three years for one of the world’s largest corporations and largely got to do what I wanted to…

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