Best Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot For Travel In 2018

I admit.

I’m addicted.

I’m attached to my smartphone every day. It’s like having another appendage… but one that gets recharged daily via a thin black USB cable. I can’t live without this little device. Sure, I try to get “unplugged” once in a while to maintain balance, but that sleek pocket-sized glass-clad screen draws me back every single time.

I use it for everything… communication, recording memories, navigating the city, running a business and even finding food to eat.

Do you know what I’m talking about? Chances are, you do.

When it’s time for vacation, does the prospect of travelling overseas without a reliable 4G or Wi-Fi connection feel downright daunting? Sure, you know a little R&R will be good for your mind. But if you’re honest, does the thought of snipping the umbilical cord to the Internet give you cold sweats?

Don’t worry. I’ve found the best portable Wi-Fi hotspot for travel.

And the good news… it won’t cost an arm or a leg….

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