Lima’s top attractions – A Luxury Travel Blog : A Luxury Travel Blog

Year in and year out, travelers are astounded by Lima’s culture and cuisine. It’s often the first stop for international travelers, who then continue on to Cusco and the Sacred Valley. Lima is worth at least a few days, at the very least for the incredible restaurants in the Miraflores neighborhoods. In between sumptuous meals, make sure the following stops are on your Lima itinerary.

Archeology Museum

This museum chronicles Peru’s history in textiles, ceramics, and even skeletal human remains. Many cultures preceded the arrival of the Spanish — the Moche, the Chimú, and Chavín. The building itself was built in the 19th century and has a typical Spanish layout. Many visitors report that if you only see one museum while you’re in town, this should be it.

Larco Museum

Larco Museum is another one of Lima’s top museums. It contains several masterpieces of ancient Peruvian civilization, including a silver cup from the Lambayeque region…

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