6 Ways To Guarantee a Good Night’s Sleep In a Hostel

Hostel dorm bed - Reykjavik, Iceland
Hostel dorm bed – Reykjavik, Iceland

It’s safe to say, most travelers share a love/hate affair with hostels.

We love meeting other wanderers. We love swapping stories over a few beers. We love the low-cost.

We hate having to queue for the shower. We hate that guy who – no matter the temperature ­– struts around the dorm in his boxer shorts. And, most of all, we hate not being able to get a good night’s sleep.

Sleep, after all, is why we’re there. Yet whether it’s creaky bunks, rattling coughs or lights being flicked on and off like a ’90s rave – hostel dorms seem to be calibrated to prevent us from getting any.

Fortunately, over my many years as a traveler, I’ve developed some simple – but surprisingly effective – ways to guarantee a good night’s sleep…

1. Accessorize, Accessorize, Accessorize

Tired of pretending those weird grunting noises coming from the next bunk are just snores and not what they really are…sex noises? Yes, mom, it happens. Ear plugs are the…

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