8 essential Russian Revolution sights in St Petersburg

Next month is the centenary of the Russian Revolution, an event that continues to shape the world we live in today. At that time the St Petersburg of today was named Petrograd and was the capital of Imperial Russia. Visit these key sights in St Petersburg today to travel in the footsteps of the Russian Revolution.

The Museum of Political History

The building that houses the museum was originally the mansion of Mathilde Kschessinska the prima ballerina at the Mariinsky Theatre before the Revolution and lover of Tsar Nicholas II (there has been much debate and controversy in Russia about the release of a film about her life and relationship with the last Tsar).  In 1917, the building was seized by the Bolsheviks and turned into their headquarters in the city.  It became the centre of their revolutionary activities, and Lenin made a historic speech from one of the balconies of the mansion after his arrival in the city. Today you can visit the room…

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