A Travel Guide to Portugal’s Capital


Lisbon has exploded in popularity over the past few years, and it’s not surprising why: the weather is excellent, the food is great, and it’s incredibly cheap as well.

That last bit is starting to change, unfortunately. It’s still the most affordable Western European capital city to visit, but the sheer number of visitors now coming to Lisbon has led to an increase in accommodation costs and restaurant prices.

The bargains are still there, but you have to look a little harder to find them. This guide will make that process a lot easier.

Lisbon on a Budget

How to eat on a budget

Although it’s possible to get a decent main meal in Lisbon for around €10 ($12), it’s possible to eat out for even less.

The general advice applies here: avoid the touristy areas, such as Baixa, Belém, and Chiado.

In these parts of town, lunch and dinner will typically cost more than €10 ($12), and the quality will be a lot lower.

The best advice for finding a cheap place to eat is to avoid…

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