How to Take a Pet from India to Europe (Step by Step Agra to the Netherlands)

Are you a member of my India Travel Tips group on Facebook? On there, people can share their experiences and ask questions. One girl, Kathrin, spent time volunteering with animals in Agra, India and took a dog home with here to the Netherlands. I asked her to share the process she went through to take a pet from India to Europe. Keep in mind, this is her experience, so it might not necessarily be the easiest or cheapest way AND each country in Europe has different rules: this post is specifically Agra to the Netherlands. When I leave India, I will take my pets, so I was quite curious about her experience. Here’s Kathrin!

India – A land of diversity, rich cultural heritage, beautiful monuments, land of spirituality. True, it can mesmerize anyone but on the other hand, you also see a lot of poverty and a lot of strays on the streets – some in good condition and some, well, not so. If you are an animal lover like me, it might happen that you become very attached to an animal you…

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