Top 10 Travel Instagrammers of 2017

One thing that consistently surprises me about social media, and the Internet in general, is its incredible ability to motivate me.

Or, perhaps more accurately, keep that fire lit and the excitement level high for the next border crossing or big road trip.

A perfect example happened the other day. I came across this list of the best travel photographers of 2017. I got inspired and I soon found myself in the Instagram vortex. There are some absolutely amazing travel photographers out there capturing the world in incredible ways.

I’ve been jotting down notes and links all year to my favourite photographers and images. There’s no way to deny it: 2017 has been incredible for travel media. This list took quite a while to narrow down, as I wanted to showcase a variety of styles.

Finally, here it is, my Top 10 Travel Instagrammers of 2017.

1. Oliver Vegas


No matter the time of day, the weather, or the setting, Oliver Vegas tells a compelling story with his pictures. I…

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