12 Reasons to Send Postcards When You Travel

SPONSORED — I don’t actually remember the first postcard I ever received, or even the first time I sent one. Was it from one of my father’s work trips? Or was it from my aunt who always seemed to be in faraway exotic places? I don’t know. But I do know that today I have friends who sent me postcards almost every time they travel: New York, Cyprus, Brazil.

The first postcard I distinctly remember sending was one to my Aunt Ann. A last-minute getaway to Paris for a weekend shortly after graduating college. I bought and wrote it while sitting on the lawn in front of the Eiffel Tower, the Champ du Mars. A quickly scribbled note about how I felt I belonged in Europe, that I could see myself living in Paris. Of course there were many postcards before, and many more after. (I once sent 97 postcards from when I was living in Tel Aviv—a little “thank you” to fans and friends across social media.) But it’s funny to think a throwaway note is something…

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