Tanzania: the perfect honeymoon – A Luxury Travel Blog : A Luxury Travel Blog

Looking for the perfect honeymoon? Try Tanzania. You only get married once but how about three honeymoons? Tanzania has it all – mountains, savannah and beach, so don’t rush it. Treat yourself to a three-week honeymoon to make sure you get the most out of this beautiful country. And you’ll forge
wonderful memories to last you a lifetime.

Three honeymoons?

Yep, three. For Honeymoon Adventure Part 1, you’ll face the challenge of Mount
Kilimanjaro, the rooftop of Africa. It’s a relationship-building experience that’ll see you
cuddling up together with steaming mugs of coffee, gazing at the sun setting in the golden
skies, after a hard hike across Kilimanjaro’s four different landscapes.Next, the vast plains of
the majestic Serengeti and the stunning wildlife of the Ngorongoro Crater will be etched
forever in your memory and, to complete your magical experience, you’ll chill out with a
visit to the white sand beaches and azure waters of Tanzania’s…

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