Filipino Food Guide: Discovering Philippine Street Food

I was ecstatic when ABS-CBN asked me to do a post on Filipino street food to help promote their new show Discovering Routes. I was happy for two reasons. One, I was flattered that a big media outfit like ABS-CBN was interested enough to work with us. And two, it gave us a reason to write a post we’ve been talking about for a long time now.

If you’re familiar with our blog, then you already know how much we love eating local food when we travel. A lot of that traveleating involves street food, which in many countries, has a reputation for being less than sanitary. The Philippines is one of those countries.

Having grown up in Manila, we were conditioned not to eat (too much) street food because of it’s reputation for being unsafe and unhygienic. If you grew up in Manila, then you’ve probably heard the same urban legends about dirty street food. And if you believed those stories like we did, then you’ve probably sworn off street food too.

But if street food…

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