The First-Timer’s Travel Guide to Hoi An, Vietnam

Like you, we travel to see and experience new things. Some of the things we see are quickly forgotten while others leave a more lasting impression. For me, seeing Hoi An for the first time at night is an experience I will never forget. As pretty as this town is during the day, it turns into something magical at night.

After spending our first morning in Hoi An exploring the Ancient Town, we rode our bikes west to have dinner at this roadside eatery called Mì Quảng – Cao Lầu Bích. It was getting late so we quickly inhaled our bowls of cao lầu and mì quảng (both of which were delicious) before getting on our bikes and following the river back to the Ancient Town. By the time we got there, night had already fallen. Temperatures had cooled so the streets were buzzing with people. It was too busy to keep riding so we got off and walked our bikes onto Nguyen Thai Hoc Street.

Turning the corner, that’s when we saw it for the first time, Hoi An at night.


Categories:   Will Fly for Food
