Checklist For Travel Bloggers: The Exact Daily & Weekly Tasks I Do As A Travel Blogger

There are quite a number of fellow bloggers who read my blog and have requested more posts on blogging, so I have a line-up of posts over the next few weeks which I’ll share. This one is kind of a checklist for travel bloggers sharing what tasks I do each day and/or weekly ones. If you could care less about blogging, you can go read this post with some beauty packing tips.

This is by no means all the tasks you should be doing and you might find that some things that you find important for your blog, are not on my list. I used to do a lot more, but over the years, I have simplified what I do each day and taken out anything that I didn’t see making a huge difference in the grand scheme of things.

The feature image is where I literally do everything, haha, the couch with coffee and catching up on my TV shows in the background.

I’ll start with daily blogging tasks which I do every day.

Okay, mostly every day but I mean some days I don’t do anything if it’s a day off. I…

Categories:   Hippie In Heels
