Autumn in Andalusia, a gourmand’s getaway

There are many reasons to travel Andalusia in September and October, after the searing summer sun begins to pale, the crowds slowly dissipate, and the hillsides awaken from their summer dormancy for something of a second spring with a burst of colour. But for active culinary enthusiasts, autumn in Andalusia holds a more specific allure, with the many harvest celebrations, food markets overflowing with the fresh new products and produce, and unique opportunities for culinary adventures not available throughout the summer.

First hand harvest

For those who want to literally get their hands dirty and experience the Andalusian harvest with a personal perspective, it is possible with the right connections. Formal agricultural and harvest traditions in the region date back at least 3000 years to the time when the Phoenicians brought the first olive trees and vines for production. Many of these traditions have continued to the modern day and the main grape…

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