Surviving a government strike (huelga) in Peru / South America
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Having recently returned from a week in Peru (Cuzco / Sacred Valley), I am reporting on a few things that I encountered while I was there. This one regards a government strike / huelga that took place while I was there. (tl;dr; – it wasn’t that bad)
Email from the hotel about an upcoming government strike
I was a bit surprised to get an email from the Tambo del Inka hotel a few days before we left for Peru indicating that there was going to be a strike in the Sacred Valley for 2 days while we were going to be there.
I tried to find out what that might mean but there was not a lot of information. My only experiences with huelgas had been when I was a missionary in the Dominican Republic 20 years ago, and all I really remember is people burning tires.
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