Before You Start to Learn Croatian Here Are 7 Things You Should Know | Croatia Travel Blog
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So, you want to learn Croatian, either from the beginning or brush up on what you learned as a kid huh? Here are 7 things you need to know before you embark on your Croatian language adventure as written by language professor Mateja Hrvat.
Reading And Writing Is Easy
Every letter in the Croatian language has only one sound, only one way that it’s supposed to be pronounced. So, after 15 minutes or so of learning the alphabet, you are actually able to read Shakespeare in Croatian! Not bad for only 15 minutes of studying, huh? ? It’s not like you are going to understand it, but if a Croatian was to hear you reading, they would understand you without too much trouble.

Croatian Alphabet
You’ll Break Your Tongue
Or maybe you can just think about it as a very good exercise for your tongue and facial muscles! ? Your tongue will end up doing tricksunlike anything else it is used to doing – no need to go to the gym. Just think of all of the…
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